As of today, every 9th of December will be known in the Twiterlys family as @Miss_Sarah_S Day…
This day in history can be found at News and Events From December 9th.
As of today, every 9th of December will be known in the Twiterlys family as @Miss_Sarah_S Day…
This day in history can be found at News and Events From December 9th.
The family has become aware of the presence of a scarlet woman in our midst, meet @Vix_Light mistress to @MrWordsWorth and walker of @weegeorgy,the lucky dog (that could apply to both of them :).
Previous blog entry updated to reflect this.
We have two new sisters, welcome to @Emily_Amber and @edv1973.
@Emily_Amber is @Krissynyy’s, @Spideyo and @mocoddle new sister and @edv1973 now makes the twins into Triplets
And another auntie has come out of the woodwork :) lets say a grand hello to @MDuette’s sister @BlackTsChica.
I will now update the previous blog entry to reflect this, as I will keep it current to stop confusion.
I am the worst person for following rules, but we need to have some for this Family, or it all goes to hell in a virtual basket.
So here are some ground rules, there are not a lot but, they should be adhered to by all family members, and lets face it it will up all our followers by a factor or two :)
I have a twitter list created with all the current twiterlys it can be a quick way to follow all of us by following the list. you can view it here
Hopefully this will keep us all in our place and we can have as fun a V-Family as there can be.
Let the Twiterlys phenomena spread and be known throughout Twitter.
Oh just one last thing, don’t know if we are or not, but hopefully we are the First V Family of Twitter, anyone find or hear of any others we need to know :-)
Okay this is how I see it so far, Please correct me if I’ve gone stray, I will create a chart at some point, but for now read on below.
There are four daughters @krissynyy, @Emily_Amber, “@mocoddle, @edv1873” and their triplet brother @Spideyo.
The mum is @mduette and the dad is @MrWordsWorth.
There are nine siblings on @mduette’s side, six sisters @HeidiTown, @bird42, @fi69, @jcubed1, @sumerbreez, @BlackTsChica and half sister @MorganCline plus one brother @Rusticlad.
There are seven siblings on @MrWordsWorth’s side, one brother @twiteryeanot (myself) and four sisters @gidgetwidget, @mergyeugnau, @kambrock, @miss_sarah_s, @stephiemalverns.
The grandparents are @ArtandDD obviously parents of either @mduette or @MrWordsWorth not determind yet.
@sad19 is a great aunt to @krissynyy, @Emily_Amber and the triplets, @mocoddle, @Spideyo & @edv1973.
@Charliemcnichol is the Wayward daughter of @Spideyo, so she says :-)
The family also has a dog called @weegeorgy who likes to play with @The_Sock_Puppet.
On the 08/12/2009 the family has became aware of a scarlet woman, meet @Vix_Light mistress to @MrWordsWorth and walker of @weegeorgy.
If I’ve missed anyone, get in touch, leave a comment and your Twitter name or DM me.
There are a few tweeters out there in Tweet land including myself who have formed a V-Tweet-Family called the Triretlys . it all started with MrWordsWorth and krissynyy, who had formed a V-Dad and V-Daughter relationship.
I (twiteryeanot) then became the V-Uncle, MDuette became the V-Mom and GidgetWidget a V-Auntie.
We found a stray dog called WeeGeorgy and then sumerbreez was welcomed into the fold, she has become a V-Auntie as well to krissynyy, that is to say she is MDuette V-Sis.
kambrock has also been drafted into this family as my V-Sis also making her a V-Auntie, though these in recent days seems to be on the quiet side, but when she does tweet, boy you can tell :)
Where the natural progression of this family will end up is anybody's guess. A few of us a avid HashTaggers and if you don’t know what that is have a look at GidgetWidget’s blog.
This is just the start, the Twiterlys are expanding, the next Blog entry will have a more in depth breakdown and will be kept current and up to date.
Hi this blog has come about because of the first social medium I have used in earnest since my early modem connected days when I used to IRC a lot.
Twitter has now become very much a part of my life, now you may think that I am a bit socially dysfunctional, I would probably be the fist to agree with most that this is the case, as I have an aversion to most bars, pubs etc… but I do like a drink. Also I work in the IT industry
The one thing that I do like is a laugh and I really enjoy eating good food, but then who doesn’t. I also like to cook, I hope to create a recipe website in the future, but I have too many things happening at the moment, one of which I am a little apprehensive about as it concerns my eyes.
Anyway hope this Blog will make good reading for anyone who cares to read it, though I hope I’m not to lazy with it.
Your Twitterer @twiteryeanot